Saturday 26 April 2008

Searching Composer / Cercando il Compositore

I really love the music that is played in this publicity. Does anyone know who’s the composer?
By the way the translation is as follows:

The painter that said no to brushes.
The group that said no to pop.
The car that said no to well know streets.
The city that said no to sleep.
The man that said no to gravity (do not imitate).
The beer that said no to compromises.
No to everything. Except to natural substances.

Mi piace tanto la musica di questa pubblicità. Qualcuno mi sa dire chi è il compositore?


Anonymous said...

Bello sì, se ancora non l'hai trovato, il pezzo è Shiva's R&R Dub degli Arling & Cameron, dall'album Music for Imaginary Films.

Acquafortis said...

Grazie clairelle e Benvenuta.