Monday 23 June 2008

Midsummer / Solstizio d’Estate

This evening for the first time this midsummer I hear the cicada…I do not know why but his singing is like spreading balm on my heart. My soul unfolds, ready to be filled with the nectar flowing from the summer solstice. Peace of mind envelops my soul as not to disturb what still has to be given birth.

Midsummer Night's Dream by P.D. White

Stasera per la prima volta in quest’inizio d’estate sento la cicala…non so perché il suo canto è come un balsamo sul mio cuore. Si distende la mia anima pronta a recepire il distillato del nettare del solstizio d’estate. Si quieta per non disturbare quello che deve ancora nascere.

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