Sunday 2 February 2014

Imbolc 2014

Here I am dear Goddess Brigid,
in front of you,
as the Sun,
behind the dense raining clouds,
is swiftly crossing the horizon.

I pledge for one year and a day,
to stop and listen,
to what Nature has to say.

I pledge to protect and honour Her.
Listen to Her cycles,
and learn to understand them,
not only with the mind,
but also with the heart.

I pledge for one year and a day,
to diligently study the stars,
as a metaphor of the energy within.

To trust in miracles,
and Divine providence.

For those who shall ask,
they will receive.

Guidance is all I seek.

You came into my dreams,
to remind me of who I need,
the aged soul seeded in me,

A Guardian of the Sacred Fire,
A Keeper of the Ancient Traditions.

As above so below.

So may I be blessed,
in this journey to be set,
for year and a day ahead.

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