Thursday 24 May 2007


Gosh, I'm truly nervous. Less than 24 hours to go and they are here. The issue here is how am I going to relate to my mother? It is not only about my sexuality. My mother and I never got on very well. I would like to have an adult to adult relationship. Where I can humour all her remarks without getting fluttered. Just like a sit-com where I just simply have the answer just ready there to save the situation.
Just imagine being peaceful. The remarks just flow by without hitting me. I'm there, still, wrapped in my peace, in my inner security.
Wishful thinking? Hope not.
Wish me luck.
Oh by the way my kinesiologist suggested Passiflora 5CH to calm down my nervousness. Haven't taken yet. I ordered it at the Pharmacist's. Let you know if it works. I'll do some research about it and tell you.

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